Offer your clients retirement solutions with flexibility, dependability and growth. Fixed and income annuities from MassMutual will help you address your clients’ unique needs and build your business with confidence that comes with 170 years of strength and stability.
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MassMutual RetireEase ChoiceSM can provide a predictable, guaranteed income stream that begins at a time your clients choose and lasts a lifetime. This product offers a qualified longevity annuity contract (QLAC) and for clients who require income later in life.
MassMutual RetireEase Choice
Watch these short videos to understand how to process business including training requirements, the application process, suitability and quoting.
Develop your annuities strategy using sales materials, industry trends, and timely insights.
The average American is living a longer and healthier life, resulting in more years of what has traditionally been called "retirement." Inflation, market risk, longevity, health, and housing costs are just a few of the factors impacting your clients.
Use the Retirement Income Gap Calculator to see if your clients have enough guaranteed future income to enjoy the retirement lifestyle they want.
Try the CalculatorThis interactive digital guide is designed to help your clients better understand the features and benefits of different types of annuities.
DownloadCall today to talk to an expert about annuities strategies and solutions